
An attempt to explain entanglement

How can you not like the unexplainable? The endless possibilities of interpreting the unknown. How can you resist pondering about the meaning of something as far-reaching, deep and wide as quantum physics? It’s impossible not be captivated by the mystery of entanglement and all its implications on our contemporary understanding of the world.

To understand entanglement, we first need to understand the Schrödinger equation. 

This is what the Schrödinger equation looks like. 

And this is what each symbol means

i is the imaginary unit: i² = -1.

 is Plank’s constant divided by 2π

∂/∂t  is “the rate of change of”

|ψ(t)⟩ is the wave-function

H is the Hamiltonian, “the energy of”

So, we come to a full description of the Schrödinger equation: 

The rate of change of the wave function is proportional to the energy of the wave-function. 

The i gives the evolution of the wave-function a circular effect.

Entanglement gives us a glimpse into interconnectivity of things on a submicroscopic level.